Succesful Gamblers

Posted : admin On 3/31/2022

Whether you are a newbie gambler or have been gambling for a long time, you must always look for the best ways to gamble without losing too much money. Undoubtedly, gambling could be an entertainment source that allows you to earn some extra cash.

You might find yourself navigating to offline places and casino websites as well while you are on your journey to becoming the best gambler that you can be.

  1. The Nine Mental Skills of Successful Gamblers People that make a living gambling have a different mindset about gambling than those that play recreationally. When your bottom line is on the line, you approach your opportunities differently than the casual gambler.
  2. The Gambler is a Legendary, Balance skull with long-ranged basic attacks that throw cards at enemies. It does not Awaken from any skull. 1 Appearance 2 Basic Info 3 Passive 4 Swap Effect 4.1 Slot Machine 5 Skills 5.1 Black Jack 5.2 Rain of Darts 5.3 Roulette of Destiny 5.4 Russian Roulette 6 Additional Content 6.1 Notes 6.2 Images A black cowboy hat atop its head, the Gambler is robed in a.

Many successful gamblers have created and carved big names for themselves in the industry. Remember that you can become a quality gambler if you know what to and choose your strengths over your weaknesses. If you want to be a good gambler, then you can find a few important points below to help you become a good gambler.

The truth is that just like any other skill, it is something you can learn with experience and practice. Many successful gamblers have created and carved big names for themselves in the industry. Remember that you can become a quality gambler if you know what to and choose your strengths over your weaknesses.

If you want to be a good gambler, then you can find a few important points below to help you become a good gambler. Here is what you need to learn about being a good gambler in this day and age.

Know Why You Are In The Game

Successful Gamblers Stories

Let us start with the first step. It is all about making goals and sticking to them by creating a process that will create those right results.

Regardless of what you are doing, keeping track of the level of success in that particular segment of your life is crucial. Many gamblers keep a particular target of how many bets they want to win or how much they expect to win.

They set these goals before playing a particular set of games.

So, if you want to be a good gambler, you should also start with this strategy. Make sure to keep realistic goals so you do not get disappointed when they are not met. Once you achieve your targeted goals, stop playing more.

Remember, in gambling; greed never works as the tables can turn quite quickly.

Patience is A Real Virtue

Another key to being a good gambler is patience.

In any case, never lose your cool and chase losses.


If you are losing your bets continuously, take a step back and stop playing for a day or two.

Avoid making random bets at any cost.

Always remember, gambling is exciting as it offers fun and money. At the same time, you can find yourself in a different state of mind depending on the overall situation.

You can lose track over time, especially when you are winning and enjoying a lot. A successful gambler never loses his self-control and always uses his mind in the game. No matter if you are winning or losing, keep a keen eye on your bankroll and your time.

Money Management

Besides keeping control of time and your overall betting activity, you should also manage your bankroll. Here, the best idea is to set a betting budget at the start of the game and during it.

Always keep an overall control on the amount you win on gambling.

This could be done by keeping only limited cash and no debit or credit cards with you.

Many online casinos have wagering and deposit limits, just to ensure that the players do not play over their budget. So, it is wise to start following and making the rules when it comes to your betting habit. Only then will you become a successful and profitable gambler.

Successful professional gamblers

These are a few of crucial points you should keep in mind when you are gambling online! Remember to have fun!

People that make a living gambling have a different mindset about gambling than those that play recreationally. When your bottom line is on the line, you approach your opportunities differently than the casual gambler.

How do they do it?

#1 Attitude

This may be the most important skill of all. I can remember going to Monmouth Park with my late friend Ryan (aka the Trader). We’d walk in and the first thing he’d say to me was “I can lose $100 today.” This is like admitting defeat before you even get started. I am all about defining your wagering bankroll, but focusing on what you can lose isn’t going to help you realize what you are going to win!

When I walk into the track or sportsbook I think to myself that I am going to win a certain amount that day. That amount is based on the number of bets I plan to make that day. My late Uncle Dutch would never talk about losing.

If you head to the track or sportsbook with a defeated attitude from the start, you might as well hand them your money and leave!

#2 Motivation

The one thing I have learned in my 20-plus years of successfully beating the track is that if you mentally aren’t into handicapping, it isn’t going to end well. Some days you hit the past performances like a champ; other days, it feels like a grind. If your head isn’t into it, skip the day. Your bankroll will thank you later!

Sometimes I find that I need a physical trip to the track to invigorate my passion for racing. The sounds, the atmosphere, or even sitting outside on a grandstand bench drinking a nice craft beer is enough to renew my passion for the sport! Admittedly, I could do without running into “Rail Guy” in the paddock, but seeing and talking to the other regulars I know is almost therapeutic!

#3 Commitment

There are days we can’t lose and days we can’t win. If you have a winning process, stick to it! There is no sense changing what you know works. You have invested a lot of time and effort in what you know works. Keep refining and honing it to provide you the best results.

Commitment also extends to keeping meticulous records. Do a post-mortem after the day is over and learn from both your wins and losses. They say that Rome wasn’t built in a day; neither was a wining handicapping system!

#4 People Skills

Until the advent of legal horse and sports wagering, I spent a lot of time at Monmouth Park, the Meadowlands, Philadelphia Park (now Parx), and the race book at the Borgata. Invariably, I would end up sitting next to a know-it-all or find Rail Guy pontificating about some abstract sixth-off-of-a-layoff-on-the-drop-on-alternating-Thursdays angle.

Are you going to let some jerk get under your skin?


Be polite, but work on tuning people out. Take a walk. Find a new seat. Focus on what you are there to do — win!

#5 Self-Talk

You are not going to win them all. You won’t win most of your bets.

Don’t beat yourself up over each loss.

You have no control over what happens when the gate opens. When I figure pace scenarios, I always leave a percentage for “chaos”. Sometimes things don’t go as planned — and you can’t account for that.

#6 Mental Imagery

Successful Sports Gamblers

Many athletes talk about visualizing the result. This is no different in gambling.

You have done your handicapping. You think that horse will go wire to wire or Aaron Rodgers is going to light up that defense today. Your analysis backs this up.

Stick with your sound handicapping. Visualize how you think the race or game is going to go. This approach leads to confidence and helps you avoid the dreaded self-doubt.

#7 Managing Anxiety

Admittedly, this is one I struggle with. Some days we are more confident than others. Follow the 90% rule. Don’t take a flyer when you aren’t confident. Wait for the next race. Your bankroll will thank you later!

#8 Managing Emotions

This is the hardest skill to master on the list. Very few people can disassociate themselves from their feelings. I’ve been guilty of this in the past myself and will probably be guilty of it again in the future.

How many times have you handicapped a race, found a horse that you are rooting for to do well and found reasons to play him, only to lose? Chances are you forced your analysis to fit your emotions.

The Most Successful Gamblers Of All Time

One way to combat this is skip the race or game when you know you have a vested interest in the outcome other than winning money. This is why I never bet on any Rutgers’ games!

#9 Concentration

If you are successful, chances are that you are not distracted by shiny objects. You can minimize the distractions to your handicapping if you do your homework the night before — and not the day of — when you are at the track or sportsbook.

If you do your handicapping the night before, and not at the track, you’ll have less distraction and you can actually focus on a race from start to finish! (Unless you are like me and you spend most of your evening hours on a soccer field coaching kids’ soccer!)

Changing your mindset is easier said than done, but nothing is impossible. If you find you are guilty of violating any of the above on daily basis, start making small changes to alter your mindset. What is the worst thing that happens — you start winning more bets and padding your bankroll?