Random Number Generator Online Casino

Posted : admin On 4/1/2022

Slot machines are truly random and in any casino land-based or online, slots are the most favoured, even though most players do not completely understand how they function. There is a general misconception of how slots work and once you understand the inner operations of slots they can be even more fun, extremely profitable and provide hours of enthralling play.

There are different types of RNGs. The ones casinos use are called pseudo random number generators. What makes these unique is that they don’t need any external input (numbers or data) to produce an output. All they need is an algorithm and seed number. New seed numbers (and results) are produced every millisecond. This is done through the use of random number generators. Random number generators are a vital component of online casino software, as randomness is an integral aspect of casino games. We explain just why randomness is so important below, and provide a detailed explanation of exactly what random number generators are. Random Number Generator or RNG is a mathematical tool that works to generate a random number. In a few online casino games, the role of RNG is clear. For example, in Roulette, the RNG releases a number from 1 to 37 on the wheel. Once the number is generated by the RNG, the players win or lose. When playing Craps at an online casino, the RNG.

Slot machines are truly random and use a random number generator, the first slot generation was mechanical, think back to coin-operated slots and even those utilised a random number generator most referred to as RNG, to determine the outcomes of the game.

Do modern slots at online casinos use a random number generator?

Modern or video slots at online casinos also use RNG to determine outcomes, the RNG is a mathematical formula in the program running the slot, this program utilises numbers generated by RNG to determine which symbols appear on the reels when they stop. The programs used in physical and online slots are pretty much the same, instead of real spinning reels, it spins on a computer screen.
A Random Number Generator is a microchip that constantly generates numbers at a rate of several billion per second. In slots, the RNG is everything, in the early days of slot machines a mechanical concept was used for randomization but over the past decades, the RNG process has been digitalised and therefore the RNG computer chip is not only used in slots but also in video poker and other casino games.
To best way to explain how RNG’s work, as its title, suggests the random number generator has one function and that is the generation of random numbers, this is an ongoing and constant process, generating a set of randomized numbers in a fraction of a second and constantly repeating the process whether the slot is played or not.

As a matter of fact, the randomization process is completely separated from the slot or game and supply the game with the random numbers which the game expresses in a specific format be it slot symbols, poker cards or even keno numbers. Casinos have the match working to their advantage, this is why they seriously don’t need to rig the game. If players enjoy slots at a well-regulated online casino they can be certain that all software is regularly tested, which means the game had to pass rigorous testing before the software are certified as random and fair.

It is not possible to predict random numbers as the RNG are pseudo-random number generators, this means numbers appear random as well as that their value is completely unpredictable in advance. It is important to remember that slots don’t react to previous results, it also does not react to wherever the previous outcome was, a win or a loss. Results are random and none of the superstitious believes is true, lucky charms could make you feel more empowered but at the end of the day it is a game of luck and if you the one playing when the luckiest combination spins into place, you could win life-altering payouts.

RNG or random number generator is responsible for the sequence of events in an online casino. Some say that it may be manipulated, or hacked. Let’s break it down and figure out how the infamous RNG works.

Historical fact. Mechanical slots that worked in the first half of the 20th century, did not have any random number generator. Instead, they had a mechanism that was spinning the reels with a certain speed. Some players started to notice simple process. Others, took their chances of calculating the probability of specific events. Such stories became myths and legends about players “beating” the casino, hacking the slot, and cheating the system. However, nobody has done it yet.

RNG in a casino is a physical device with its own software (or just a piece of software), protected by MD5 algorithm. RNG is used in all types of games: slots, video poker, roulette, card games etc.

There are 2 types of random number generators:

  • TRNG – true random number generator (hardware random number generator).
  • PRNG – pseudorandom number generator.

True random number generator (TRNG)

TRNG is used in land based casino rather than online.

True random number generator is a device (a chip or a board) that generates random sequences of numbers according to the chaotic and ever-changing physical processes. The founding processes are totally random: quantum phenomena, isotope radiation, Poisson noise etc.

Random Number Generator Online Casino


A certain number, that is specific to the particular physical process, makes for a starting point of the TRNG. The latter then, determines the results of the roulette wheel, or reels.

Random Number Generator Multiple Numbers

TRNG is placed inside the machine, under protection, where the hands of any casino member cannot reach. Before installing the generator, it is extensively tested in the independent laboratory. In order to hack, change the RNG’s sequence, casino must break through the secure layer in the machine, reprogram the chip, and put it back. Licensed establishments do not allow this; every inch is always under heavy surveillance. Besides, one cannot do anything being outside the machine.

Pseudorandom number generator (PRNG)

PRNG is a secure software that has got a certain mathematical algorithm giving out random number sequences. Usually, online casino games use this kind of generator. Furthermore, each slot has got its own secure generator. Every developer has got its own, unique generator.

The work of PRNG is ever-continuous, the algorithm is always generating random number sequences. The starting point of this type of RNG is the number with thousands or even millions of digits after the decimal. In most cases Pi number with trillions of digits is the stating point.

In order to get a random number from the starting point, RNG does a bunch of mathematical sequences. What are those and what’s their sequence, knows only the developer. In order to get access to the RNG’s settings, one has to crack algorithm’s security. which is impossible to do with licensed games. Their generators are tested before the release of the game, and are under constant monitoring throughout the games’ lifetime.

How does RNG works?

TRNG and PRNG work in a similar manner, yet their starting points and algorithms are different. The generator is working all the time. Some people say that it generates numbers only at the press of the respective button. It is totally wrong. People think that way because they become aware of the generator’s work only during a certain action from their side.

Theoretically, it is possible to predict the next sequence knowing the algorithm and the moment the number is generated. Yet, in practice, the algorithm and all of its settings are hidden from everyone except the regulating bodies. Therefore, specialists that claim they have found a way to cheat the generator, simply try to fool you.

RNG certification

As we have mentioned earlier, each and every developer has their won RNG system. There may even be a few of them within one company.

Before the game goes on to the players’ hands, every generator is thoroughly checked and tested to certify its validity and fairness. In the end, the certificate is the proof of developers fair play.

In order to receive an official document of the kind, RNG software/hardware, or both, are given to a company of a certain jurisdiction specializing in audit.

Here are a few of the most famous companies:

  • Gaming Laboratory International (GLI)
  • eCOGRA
  • Technical Systems Testing
  • Price Waterhouse Coopers

Having a certificate from such a company is an object of pride for the developers. Thus, if there is one, it is always public.

Receiving a certificate for the generator is a costly and time-consuming process. The company that has their RNG checked, has to have appropriate licenses for development. The generator has to have appropriate settings that are within the stated, legal limits.

In order to simplify the procedure and save some time, one may buy an RNG from certified companies. In this case, the certificate comes along with the software.

What happens after the certification

Number Random Generator

After the end of the testing and before issuing the certificate, TRNG gets sealed. The seal is regularly checked to ensure that no one has put their hands to the number generator. The soft part of the random number generator is, well, sealed with another software.

The certificate that the developers receive has the algorithm in it along with the list of the games that use it.

The technology that protects random number generators is ever-changing. Modern games have a serious barrier for thieves to bypass. Therefore, having the latest licensed games on the website guarantees fair play.

Online Random Number Generator

Is hacking RNG real?

Contemporary random number generators are protected by MD5 algorithm. It is used to secure the passwords and is one of the most trusted methods of protection. At the moment, there hasn’t been any instances where someone has bypassed this security system.

There’s been an instance where a Russian hacker claimed to have hacked a slot machine from Aristocrat; it appeared to be fake. The developer that initially thought of the player’s win to be illegitimate, appeared to be a very rare stroke of luck.

In 1995, in Nevada, one player did hack the slots RNG. Ron Harris had the access to one of the keno slot’s RNG; he gave his partner in crime the possible number sequences. On of the dozen of tickets did win. Although, later the casino found out about it; Ron Harrison was imprisoned for 7 years.

Random Number Generator Online Casino Game

Online casino ShangriLaLive uses only licensed software, slots, poker etc. Every product is taken from its official developer that has the necessary rights to distribute software in jurisdictions the company operates in.