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Local or International? We leverage cloud and hybrid datacenters, giving you the speed and security of nearby VPN services, and the ability to leverage services provided in a remote location. Welcome to the Day 1d coverage of the $10,300 Super MILLION$ Main Event at GGPoker starting at 6 p.m. EST) as part of the GGPoker Super MILLION$ Week. The GGPoker Super MILLION$ Week.

We are in St. Petersburg, Florida and your announcers are Samoa Joe, Tom Phillips, and Byron Saxton.

Miz makes his way to the ring for MizTV.

Will Miz cash in the Money In The Bank Briefcase at the Elimination Chamber? You can make your wager now at OlyBet!

Miz welcomes everyone to MizTV. He brings out his guest, the WWE Champion Drew McIntyre.

Miz apologizes for John Morrison's absence but he is working on a Bad Bunny diss track.


Miz points out who Drew has beaten but on Sunday, he will face five former champions at the same time. Miz brings up that Drew's Road to Wrestlemania could end in the Elimination Chamber. Miz says if he wsa Drew, he would be panicking. Sheamus stabbed you in the back and he was not your best friend. Sheamus Brogue Kicked you in the face. Why did he do it? The mystery was solved when Sheamus challenged you for the title. You were going to face Sheamus at the Elimination Chamber, but WWE had a change of plans.

Miz says he would be furious because they took the chance for you to prove Sheamus wrong and then you have to face five top Superstars chomping at the bit to take your title.

Drew tells Miz to shut up. Drew says if Miz interrupts him one time, he will regret it. Drew says he is sick and tired.

Miz says he understands and then Drew with a head butt and he throws the Money in the Bank briefcase into the crowd.

Drew goes to the back and Miz says that we are seeing the cracks in the WWE Champion. How can you blame Andy? He has to beat five Superstars just to walk into the Main Event of Wrestlemania. You know who doesn't have any of that pressure . . . Me. I am bringing the Elimination Chamber pressure in with the Money in the Bank briefcase. I was going to explain to Andy that there are so many variables that can go wrong. I only need one thing to go right to cash in. Just because I say I am going to cash in, it doesn't mean that I am going to cash in. I am thinking on a different level than anyone else. I want every single Superstar challenging for the WWE Championship or the Universal Championship, I am in control. Whether it is the WWE or Universal Championship, when I cash in, I will be standing the champion, content with being awesome.

Edge wants to talk about high stakes poker, here is a move for you. I am removing myself from the Elimination Chamber Match.

We go to commercial.

Matt Riddle shows up to wish Lince and Metalik a Happy President's Day. He says what better way to celebrate his favorite holiday, why not beating the Hurt Business. Riddle talks about his favorite presidents and he mentions Abraham Lincoln, the Vampire Hunter, Teddy Brosevelt, or Harrison Ford. He asks Lince if his favorite is Freedbird B. Hayes.

Match Number One: Cedric Alexander, Montel Vontavious Porter, and Shelton Benjamin versus Lince Dorado, Gran Metalik, and Matt Riddle

Poker Games Tonight Near Me Saturday

Benjamin and Lince start and Benjamin with a shoulder tackle. Benjamin with punches and kicks in the corner.. Alexander with a suplex as we see Lashley watching from Gorilla Position. Alexander with punches and he gets a near fall. Dorado with a quebrada and he tags in Metalik. Metalik with a cross body off Dorado's shoulders. Alexander with a kick and Metalik with a springboard back elbow. Benjamin goes over the top rope and Alexander pulls Riddle off the apron and then Benjamin catches Metalik.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Alexander gets a near fall on Metalik. Alexander with an abdominal stretch. Benjamin tags in and hits a shoulder tackle on Metalik. Porter tags in and he gets a near fall. Alexander tags in and he applies a reverse chin lock and Benjamin tags in and punches Metalik. Porter tags in and punches Metalik. Alexander tags in and punches Metalik. Benjamin with a suplex for a near fall. Metalik with a boot to Benjamin and Benjamin misses a splash. Metalik with a DDT and both men are down.

Riddle tags in and he hits a running forearm on Alexander followed by an exploder and a back senton. Riddle with a running kick. Porter tags in and Riddle kicks Alexander. Porter with a shoulder tackle but Porter favors his right let. Riddle with a Ballin Elbow for a near fall. Alexander with a Lumber Check to Metalik. Dorado with a super kick to Alexander. Riddle with a knee to Benjamin. Metalik with a plancha onto Benjamin. Riddle with a knee and Flaoting Bro for the three count.

How To Find Poker Games Near Me

Winners: Matt Riddle, Gran Metalik, and Lince Dorado

After the match, Lashley splits the Lucha House Party and knocks Riddle down. Lashley press slams Metalik onto Dorado. Lashley with a full nelson to Riddle.

Miz is with Adam Pearce and he thanks Adam for giving him the opportunity to be in the Elimination Chamber because there is no superstar quite like him. Miz says he wants to give back. Someone who is deserving should be given a chance. An up and comer ready to grab that brass ring. That man should be John Morrison.

Adam says he will take it under consideration.

Miz leaves as we go to commercial.

We are back and Tom Phillips mentions Miz' attempt to get John Morrison to fill his place in the Elimination Chamber Match.

Poker Games Tonight Near Mesquite

We see what happened last week when Damian Priest faced Angel Garza.

We see Mandy Rose in the back with Bad Bunny. She mentions that she is wearing his shirt and she asks for an extra shirt for her tag team partner, Dana Brooke.

Damian Priest shows up and Sarah ambushes them for their thoughts about being on Raw. Damian talks about debuting in the Royal Rumble and now he gets to hang out with the musical guest on SNL.

We see Akira Tozawa pin R Truth to become the new 24/7 Champion. Priest knocks Tozawa out and Bad Bunny covers Tozawa to become the new 24/7 Champion.

Adasm Pearce is walking in the back and Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods stop Pearce to make sure that Morrison does not replace Miz. Kofi reminds Pearce that he is a former WWE Champion. Woods says that Pearce doesn't know because he is not getting the final match in his Best of Five Series.

Woods mentions that Kofi has been champion more recently than four of the men in the match.

Miz shows up and he argues with Kofi about his spot in the match. Kofi says that Morrison isn't even a world champion, but Miz says he is a former ECW Champion.

Poker Games Tonight Near Me Now

Pearce tells them Miz faces Kofi tonight and if Miz wins, Morrison is in the match but if Kofi wins, he is in the Elimination Chamber.

Kofi talks about KofiMania 2 and Miz says sequels suck. Kofi and Woods say that they know sequels suck because they have seen The Marine 4, 5, and 6.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Lacey thanks Charlotte for getting herself disqualified last week so she could get what she rightfully deserves, a shot at the championship. I have been listening to your father's knowledge and he thinks I will be champion on Sunday. It was obvious last week that you were heartbroken last week so they brought Charlotte something in honor of Valentine's Day. It is a sweetheart candy that says 'Bite Me'. Lacey says she should have brought a gift for Asuka. On Sunday, you will be giving me a gift of my own. It will be something she has wanted a long long long long time. The Raw Women's Championsship.

Match Number Two: Asuka and Charlotte Flair versus Lacey Evans and Peyton Royce (with Ric Flair)

Asuka and Royce start things off and Asuka with a side head lock take down. Royce with a side head lock take down and Asuka with a head scissors. They lock up and Royce backs Asuka into the corner and Asuka with an elbow. Royce with a wrist lock take down. Asuka with a shoulder tackle and she works on the arm. Charlotte tags in and she sends Royce into the corner so Lacey tags in, but Royce stays in the match. Royce goes for the leg and Charlotte blocks it. Royce with a forearm and back elbow. Royce with a back heel kick but Charlotte with a fallaway slam while yelling at Lacey. Lacey continues to hide behind the ring post. Asuka tags in.

Poker Games Tonight Near Me

Asuka kicks Royce while Charlotte chops her. Asuka with punches and she misses a round kick. Royce with a kick and she punches Asuka. Royce gets a near fall. Royce with an elbow to the back of the head. Royce wit a kick and suplex for a near fall. Royce pie faces Asuka and Asuka avoids a kick and goes for a German suplex but Royce escapes. Both women with clotheslines at the same time and both are down. Charlotte tags in and Lacey makes sure not to make the tag. Charlotte with a fallaway slam that sends Royce to the floor. Charlotte goes to the floor and she sends Peyton into the announce table and unlike an NXT Table, it stays up.

Royce returns to the ring and tags in Lacey. Lacey goes down the steps instead of entering the ring and she goes to the floor. Lacey says that Charlotte is not putting her hands on Lacey. Lacey says she is pregnant and Flair struts for joy.

We go to commercial.

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